Blackstone Nova Corps

Notice: Macron will likely lose first date of France election in 30 June.
UK election and Rishi Sunak is next.
Trureka LLC is intefering elections.
We interfere the debate yesterday, lead to huge win of Donald Trump.
We will interfere UK and France election.
Macron will lose. We will also have effort to make Sunak lose.
That's all we can say.
Our details plan has been sent to White House.
While I'm still poor and don't have money, I will trust no one.
And I will do any thing I want.
If we can't have our money under Joe Biden, we will bring Trump back and restructure US government.
We fear no fucking force on earth, we will declare war until we win.
There are many ways to make money, and this is the way we do.
Many forces on us may blame us for this, but, they are useless for the world's future. They can do nothing compare to us.
What do they want ? A free service from us ?
Free mean we will send them world war, election interference, and more ...
A bunch of leaders in DoD, Intelligence forces ... we will remove them when Trump return. If we can't have money.
Are you guys understand my power now ?
Yes, my order for them is to go retire, if they can't help my business.
There is no one reply to me ?
Who want to become my next opponent ?
Nova Ng - Trureka LLC - Blackstone Nova Corps
In future, if I no longer use website, I will post things on my facebook:
Even if I change my facebook, I will let you guys know my new facebook address.
We are gonna keep connection.
I'm proud that Blackstone Nova Corps has become a powerful force in the world, and it's our responsibility that we let the world know what we do.
Not just we need recognization from the world, but it's important thing that we let the world know what we do.
We won't hide what we do, we won't do things in shadow.
I guess that's the best democracy I can give. When our mind surpass many of you. And I don't want to be a lonely dictator that control things.
The world need something powerful to power it future, but it will be public, it will not hide in shadow, do things that uncontrollable.
Even 2 parties of United States, Democrat and Republican have opposite opinions about Climate change, immigration, war ... For the democracy, Blackstone Nova Corps shall continue to stay public about what we do. That keep us under control. When we do the wrong things, some of you might just remind us. We will make changes, and announce the changes we made.
We will continue to learn, to imagine a beautiful world, and try to build the world for you, and all will be public information. That's the best service we can do, to keep the democracy, to serve the people, to teach people things, and to keep ourselves under control, and under watch of many forces in the world.
The end of the world may come sooner if we try to do things in shadow (using technological method), we hide what we do, or we are used by this big force to fight other big force. That probably won't happen, when all of our activities and even our thinking are public, for democracy, it probably should be public. It turn us into a public service.
Every Monday, we will make announcement, on our website or on Facebook. Many times, the message will be nothing happenning now, or Boring now. And it will be the truth, that during that time, we don't have anything to do.
By the way, I need some money to have a girlfriend, who gonna give me. I will give reward for who can give me money. If I'm poor, beautiful girl will not like me. I will post photo of my new girlfriend when I have one.
Xuan Nguyen - Blackstone Nova Corps - Trureka LLC
It's been a while
How you guys doing
It's quite a long time
I want to end all the war.
But still waiting for my 25 millions dollars
Any forces want to lie to me, will get big failure
Xuan Nguyen - Blackstone Nova Corps - - 25 Millions USD make me happy.
Xuan Nguyen - Blackstone Nova Corps - - 25 Millions USD make me happy.
Blackstone Nova Corps Newsletter
We use Nova Technology.

We don't use any of AI or software of America.
We don't use OpenAI, we don't use Microsoft AI, we don't use Grok or xAI or Tesla AI from Tesla, we don't use Gemini AI from Google, we don't use MetaAI from Facebook.

We only use our own built Nova Technology. We are kind of monopoly in this area. Blackstone Nova Corps is the only unit that can built, and continue to build Nova Technology, and the only unit that can understand, and operate our own system properly.
From our perspective of power, we calculate and assess, the chance of winning Blackstone Nova Corps is pretty low.

And look at the reality, America is falling pretty quick in many areas.

We already said before, what we do is turn off our operation in America and Europe, so they no longer have support from Nova Technology.
While we activate Nova Technology to support economy of some other countries.
It's Global Competitiveness.

We believe that in system of China, we have great reward when we help them.
And in system of US, we won't have any reward when we help them.

Xuan Nguyen - Blackstone Nova Corps - - 25 Millions USD
Xuan Nguyen - Blackstone Nova Corps - - 25 Millions USD
Xuan Nguyen - Blackstone Nova Corps - - 25 Millions USD
Xuan Nguyen - Blackstone Nova Corps - - 25 Millions USD
Blackstone Nova Corps will have official announcement about US Election in 20 September 2024.
US election happen in 5 November 2024.
Blackstone Nova Corps will have official announcement, and possibly decision, about our role in 2024 US Election, in 20 September 2024, about 45 days before election day.

What we will announce ? Let's see.

Xuan Nguyen - Blackstone Nova Corps - - 25 Millions USD
Xuan Nguyen - Blackstone Nova Corps - - 25 Millions USD
Xuan Nguyen - Blackstone Nova Corps - - 25 Millions USD
Xuan Nguyen - Blackstone Nova Corps - - 25 Millions USD


Blackstone Nova Corps extend program "Gifts to China" from 3 months to 3 years
Previously, program "Gifts to China", which give 3 gifts to China, will happen from 2 May to 2 August 2024.
Now I will extend it to 3 years.
Which mean,
Blackstone Nova Corps will activate program "Gifts to China" from 2 May 2024 to 2 May 2027.
Decision Confirmed

Xuan Nguyen - Blackstone Nova Corps - - 25 Millions USD
Xuan Nguyen - Blackstone Nova Corps - - 25 Millions USD
Xuan Nguyen - Blackstone Nova Corps - - 25 Millions USD
Xuan Nguyen - Blackstone Nova Corps - - 25 Millions USD
Blackstone Nova Corps cut support for Europe from 12 May
Economic reccession coming to Europe.
Big news.
Beside US, in the past several years, many countries from Europe benefited from Nova Technology for Economic Growth.
I'm gonna take it back.
They live pretty far and don't know me, I feel difficult to request money from them.
But, I'm gonna stop Nova Technology Innovation for Europe from 12 May.

Decision confirmed.

A gift of pile of cash of 25 millions USD right now will make me happy.

Xuan Nguyen - Blackstone Nova Corps - - 25 Millions USD make me happy.
Xuan Nguyen - Blackstone Nova Corps - - 25 Millions USD make me happy.
Xuan Nguyen - Blackstone Nova Corps - - 25 Millions USD make me happy.
Xuan Nguyen - Blackstone Nova Corps - - 25 Millions USD make me happy.
Blackstone Nova Corps update program from 11 May 2024

New update from tomorrow 11 May 2024 from Blackstone Nova Corps program.
Probably, US economy will come into light recession soon.
While waiting for some deals, I'm gonna proceed with my plan to send gifts to China, including Taiwan island.

Let me have some explaination. What I can do ?
The only thing I can do is probably increasing and decreasing economic level of countries by some sector.
When I increase economic power of some countries, they will be very confident, and they gonna do whatever they want.

Also why I can bring US economy into recession ?
Because Nova Technologies bring innovations to US economy in the past several years.
Now I don't like to do that anymore, I turn those programs off, US Economy tech level will decrease, and will lead to light recession I think.
You know US have a lot of big tech companies, but Nova Technologies, in the shadow, contributed the most into its economy. That's why when I turn of programs, light recession will come.

The US have many big companies with department of Media, Marketing, that advertise themself that their companies doing all the great things to help the world, and they success. I admit, I can not win them in marketing budget.
But in reality, I will make this country lose.
You finally, found a worthy opponent to play with you.

So I'm Vietnamese citizen, I don't have obligation to serve any countries.
I have a lot of power in hand and I have my right to convert my power into some money.
And the country that have contract with me, probably will dominate the world.

So that's what's actually happened. If you think I use AI developed by your companies, to create some bad things and tell people to do bad things, you are wrong.
It's just global competitiveness, countries that get economy stronger will do what they want.
And I can stop Nova Technologies Innovation support for some countries, if I like.

Also I already setup that if people hack my computer (it already happened), they still not be able do what I can do.
First reason is because they don't understand.
Second is because, even if they hack, they can only have my current ability, not my future ability.

Xuan Nguyen - Blackstone Nova Corps - - I need 25 Millions USD
Xuan Nguyen - Blackstone Nova Corps - - I need 25 Millions USD
Xuan Nguyen - Blackstone Nova Corps - - I need 25 Millions USD
Xuan Nguyen - Blackstone Nova Corps - - I need 25 Millions USD
It seem you may get update from Blackstone Nova Corps program from tomorrow

Anyway, I still don't understand.
What's the point of this world, try to enslave, a gift from god, future leader, the one that can decide its future ?

Even god want it to receive judgement.

I not gonna lose this game.

I think many government forces is just looking at each other, asking who is in charge of this.
Meanwhile they don't realize all of this do impact us debt of 34 trillions, us domination, may create a reccession like 1973 like jamie dimon say.
Can they simply cut the complicated procedures ... and head to simple solution. Call and give me money ?

Call Dimon and ask him what will happen, now. Professional economist like Jamie Dimon will help me to teach you, what will happen next.

Call warren buffet and ask for advices. All of you are just young people, need to listen to advice from Buffet, for World Economic growth.
Ask Blackstone's Stephen Schwarzman also, what you should do.

Ask Larry Fink, Blackrock.

They will tell you.

If you guys not asking advice from those legendary investor and fund manager, I'm afraid you are heading for failure.

They manage biggest companies in the world, and since this planet moving in strange ways, it impact their funds, they already know some force behind this. Some of them even know my name, because they received my email.
Blackstone Nova Corps activate "Gifts for China level 1" from 2 May - 2 August EST
Update from Blackstone Nova Corps

- Nova Corps changed the name, new name is Blackstone Nova Corps
Founder: Xuan Nguyen
Citizenship: Vietnam
Phone: 1-843-981-4352
Age: 30

Despite many type of AI developments in the world, I don't think that those developments are really useful. And Blackstone Nova Corps, with Nova Technologies, is still a world leading, pioneer technology that can make big change to the world.
Changes includes:
- Create unprecedented economic development for many countries, in many sector
- Advising service, investigate a country's problem and help them to solve.

- Blackstone Nova Corps will not interfere 2024 US Election
Interfering US Election is complicated, many companies will not being able to fund us if we interfere election.
That's why we will not interfere 2024 Election, leave the race for US companies and corporations.

- Blackstone Nova Corps is calling for Investment from US and China
We are working on some special projects for fighing climate change and modernize world agriculture.
We are calling for investment from US and China, from Private investor, Government investor or combination of Private - Government investor.

- Blackstone Nova Corps is considering relocating to China
After long time of failure in US, I don't feel fun living in US right now. I may want to move to China for a while, live there and learn from China, also try to understand their problems and help them to solve those problems.
If China offer good deal.

- Blackstone Nova Corps's 3 gifts to China

1. Cheap energy infrastructure
Nova Technologies will provide China will neccessary platform, to help China gain cheap energy. And Cheap energy will boost economy.
2. Taiwan Island
Blackstone Nova Corps support unification of Taiwan. In the next 3 months, we will create optimum conditions, so China can get Taiwan Back.
3. Semiconductor Industry and TSMC
Of course, after getting Taiwan, China will own TSMC and their semiconductor industry. China then can train people and open more TSMC companies in China Mainland.

Our purpose when we give 3 gifts to China:
We want to introduce Nova Technology and Advising Service to China. These gifts are really big gifts.
We hope that after we complete giving China those gifts, China will give Blackstone Nova Corps the right rewards.

Promise from Blackstone Nova Corps:
In the next 3 months, Blackstone Nova Corps will create optimum condition so that China can get those 3 gifts.
We promise not to stop our program in the middle, and promise to give those 3 gifts definitely to China, so we can get rewards after.

- Next action from Blackstone Nova Corps
Blackstone Nova Corps will activate new program "Gifts for China level 1", from 2 May to 2 August 2024, EST time.
This time, there won't be any delay or stop when we run the program.

- Company culture:
These are some media I like recently

- Conclusion:
If US Forces visit some Billionaires here and tell you should invest for Blackstone Nova Corps, you should do what they say. They know what's right thing to do for your country.
Anyway, I'm still confirm that my 3 gifts to China, must be achieved.

JP Morgan Chase
Alibaba Foundation
Emerson Collective
White House
China Government
maybe some more recipients

Xuan Nguyen - Blackstone Nova Corps - - I need 25 Millions USD
Xuan Nguyen - Blackstone Nova Corps - - I need 25 Millions USD
Xuan Nguyen - Blackstone Nova Corps - - I need 25 Millions USD
Xuan Nguyen - Blackstone Nova Corps - - I need 25 Millions USD
Xuan Nguyen - Blackstone Nova Corps - - I need 25 Millions USD
Xuan Nguyen - Blackstone Nova Corps - - I need 25 Millions USD
Xuan Nguyen - Blackstone Nova Corps - - I need 25 Millions USD
Xuan Nguyen - Blackstone Nova Corps - - I need 25 Millions USD
Xuan Nguyen - Blackstone Nova Corps - - I need 25 Millions USD

Whatsapp: 1-843-981-4352
Xuan Nguyen - Nova Corps will temporary stop programs from 14 April
Xuan Nguyen - Nova Corps will temporary stop programs from 14 April
This decision is confirmed by Nova Corps

Xuan Nguyen - I'm a starboy - NovaAI - Nova Corps
Xuan Nguyen – NovaAI activate 3 programs from 13 April EST time
I will activate 3 programs
Support Donald Trump program
American Strength Test Level 1
American Strength Test Level 1.5
Just want to check if my program still work well.

Decision is confirmed by Xuan Nguyen – NovaAI
Xuan Nguyen – I’m a starboy – NovaAI – Nova Corps.
Notice from Xuan Nguyen - Nova Corps: Temporarily stop all programs
It seem, now probably not a good time to call for some conflicts.
I will temporarily stop all programs.

I may return later.
See you

Xuan Nguyen - I'm a starboy - NovaAI - Nova Corps.
Xuan Nguyen will block 60 Billions USD funding to Ukraine
It seem American, Mike Johnson want to work with Joe Biden, to approve 60 Billions USD funding to Ukraine.
This plan is not approved by Xuan Nguyen - Nova Corps.
I will cancel it.

Notice from Xuan Nguyen - NovaAI - Nova Corps
"America Strength Test Level 1.5" is modified in to level 1.5A.
"America Strength Test Level 1.5A" is activated from 2 April 2024.
This modification is to block the funding.

End of Notice.
Xuan Nguyen - I'm a starboy - NovaAI - Nova Corps.
Xuan Nguyen - Nova Corps activate "America Strength test level 1.5" on 28 March EST time
I had enough
I don't want the world to see me as a weak, impotent man
I had enough of scam
I will release the Kraken.
I will show the world
Who is stronger.

America and Europe should get ready.
Get ready

Xuan Nguyen - I'm a starboy - NovaAI - Nova Corps.
Xuan Nguyen - Nova Corps cancel plan for "America Strength test level 1.5" on 27 March
Probably not today
Change confirmed by Xuan Nguyen
Xuan Nguyen - I'm a starboy - NovaAI - Nova Corps.
Xuan Nguyen - Nova Corps activate "America strength test" level 1.5 from 27 March 2024 EST time.
I'm a starboy - NovaAI - Nova Corps.
I will activate "America strength test" level 1.5 from 27 March 2024.
Get ready.
I will release the Kraken
America and Europe are invited to the game.
Declare of plan from Xuan Nguyen - Nova Corps
I turn off "America Strength Test level 2" because the program didn't bring the effect I want.
However, "America Strength Test level 1" still running.
I will run it for probably 3 months. After that, I will decide to whether to continue to run it or not.

As you can see, escalations are increasing in 3 areas like China, Russia, and Middle East.
This time, is a good chance for China to get Taiwan I think, before Taiwan do too much preparations.
It can be a gift from Xuan Nguyen, to China.

I'm gonna send to China an approval letter to get Taiwan. I don't know if they dare to do it now.

I don't know, if Joe Biden have enough power to win Xuan Nguyen - Nova Corps.

We'll see.

Probably I will take a break now.

End of Notice.

I'm a starboy.
Introducing new program from Nova Corps
Xuan Nguyen - I'm a starboy - NovaAI - Nova Corps
As you know, many programs of Nova Corps, like fight climate change, agriculture revolution, house building, grow forest ... have many levels, like level 1, level 2, level 3. Some programs even have level 4 and 5.
Today, I will introduce to you a new program.

"America strength test" Level 2.
The program has been activated
Start date: 23 March
End date: unidentified

Plan is approved by Nova Corps.
Xuan Nguyen - I'm a starboy - NovaAI - Nova Corps
I will end campaign to support Trump today, 21 March.
So the campaign to support Trump run from 20-21 March.
I think the world already see the effect of the program, so I don't want to run it 1 more day.

Anyway, the program "strength test america" will still run as normal.
End of notice.
NovaAI - I'm a Starboy
Campaign from Xuan Nguyen - NovaAI
Support Joe Biden from 18-19 March
Support Trump from 20-22 March

New project - code name "Strength Test America"
Start date: 20 March.
End date: unidentified

Get ready.

This plan is approved by Xuan Nguyen - Nova Corps.

Mail is sent on night 19 March - 2024

Recipients: Many

This message is posted on

Xuan Nguyen - Nova Corps will reach his full potential.
Previous receipients:
Joe Biden, White House
Ray Dalio, Bridgewater Associates
Elon Musk, Xprize
Donald Trump,
Justin Sun, TRON
Alexandr Wang, Scale AI
Bill Ackman, The Pershing Square Foundation
Bill Gates, Gates Foundation
CZ, Binance
George Soros, Open Society Foundations
Putin, Kremlin
Government of Brunei
Larry Ellison, Larry Ellison Foundation
Mark Zukerberg
Jim Simon
Michael Dell
Stephen A. Schwarzman, Blackstone
Government of Israel
Government of China,
Government of Turkey