Instructions for advertising on Twitter

Twitter  is a free online social networking service that allows users to read, message, and update small messages called  tweets , a form of microblogging. Tweets limited to a maximum of 280 characters spread quickly within the sender's friend group or can be widely displayed to everyone. Established in 2006, Twitter has become a popular global phenomenon. Tweets can range from just personal tidbits to on-the-spot news updates that are more timely and faster than mainstream media. Twitter Inc. is located in San Francisco and has more than 35 companies worldwide.

The limit on message length, 280 characters, is compatible with SMS (Short Message Service), giving the online community a notable form of shorthand that has become widely used for SMS. . The character limit also helps leverage web address shortening services such as tinyurl, and, or domain content services such as Twitpic and NotePub to collect multimedia information. and paragraphs longer than 280 characters. Currently, Twitter supports users to post Tweets in the form of conversations, post photos, videos, animations, and update Moments.

With hundreds of millions of tweets sent every day, your brand's Twitter marketing can easily get lost over time, if it's still the usual way of tweeting.


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6 reasons you should deploy  Twitter Ads  - Twitter Ads


1. Twitter advertising goals


Twitter advertising  can help you get your message in front of the most potential users of your products and brand. Twitter's own data shows ad commitments are up 69% over last year, with costs per ad engagement down 28%.

Ad formats on Twitter are extremely simple, and this is a great time to consider running your first Twitter ad ( especially since Twitter has started to enter the Vietnamese market, and is effective. obvious decline in Facebook Ads ). In this content, we'll show you exactly how (and why) to use Twitter ads, including how to create and launch your first campaign.


Twitter ads
Advertising goals on Twitter Ads


2. Classify Twitter ads



Promoted tweets


The only difference between these tweets is that they are labeled Promoted.


Twitter ads


Promoted Accounts


Promoted Accounts ( also known as Followers Campaign ) allows you to promote your Twitter account to Twitter users who don't yet follow you.

Promoted Accounts are displayed across target users' timelines, as well as in their recommendations and search results. They include a Follow button and are clearly identified as Promoted .


Twitter ads


Promoted Trends


As above, these are ads for Trends (Trends – Tags).


Photo Instructions for advertising on Twitter 1

Currently this mode is not available for all accounts. If you want to use it, please send a direct message to @TwitterAdsHelp .


Automated ads : Twitter Promote Mode


Automated Twitter advertising costs a flat rate of 99 USD (or 9900 JPY or 79 GBP) per month, plus tax. When you turn it on, your first 10 tweets each day will automatically be promoted to your selected audience (as long as they pass the Twitter quality filter ). Retweets, quote tweets, and replies will never be advertised. That is also an ongoing Promoted Accounts campaign.

Twitter estimates that accounts using Automated Twitter Ads will reach an average of 30,000 people and gain 30 more followers each month.


3. How to set Ads on Twitter : Step-by-Step Instructions



Step 1 : Set up Twitter account



  1. Visit, then log in and visit:
  2. Select country ( country ) and time frame ( timezone )
  3. Let's go !


Step 2 : Determine your advertising goals


Twitter advertising campaigns are based on specific business goals, so the first thing you need to do is decide what you want to achieve with your Twitter ads. Think carefully, because the campaign objective you choose will determine what type of engagement and actions you'll pay for.

So before you go any further, make sure you have  solid social media goals  and even more specific goals for your Twitter ad campaign.

You can choose one of the following ways:


  • Awareness : You want the maximum number of  people to see your promoted tweet. You are billed per 1,000 impressions.
  • Tweet engagements:  You want to maximize engagement with your promoted tweets. Each interaction such as click/retweets... is counted as 1 time, and you will have to pay for each of these activities.
  • Followers:  You want to build your Twitter account. You're billed for each new follower, but not for other engagements, like retweets and likes.
  • Website clicks or conversions:  You want people to visit your website and take action. You are billed per click.
  • App installs:  You want people to install your app. You're billed for each app install.
  • App re-engagements:  You want people who already have your app to open and use it. You're billed per app click.
  • Promoted video views:  You want people to see your video or GIF. You're billed per video view.
  • In-stream video views – pre-roll:  You want to run a short video ad at the start of a video from Twitter's premium content partners. You're billed per video view.

Choosing a Twitter campaign objective is the first thing you'll see when you open Twitter Ads Manager.


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Advertise on Twitter with different goals

Click on the goal you want to achieve with your campaign.

This will take you to the Create your campaign screen , where you can name your campaign, choose how to pay for it (debit card or credit card), set a campaign budget and choose to start the campaign immediately or schedule it for later.

The budget you set on this screen is the total amount you're willing to pay for the entire campaign, per day, or both. You'll determine your specific bid amount in a later step.

Once you have made your selections, click  Next.


Step 3: Set up your ad group and bid


You are now on the Create your ad group page. What is an ad group?  This is a subcategory of your campaign. For your first Twitter ad campaign, you'll probably want to stick with one ad group. But as you get more comfortable with Twitter advertising, you can split your campaign to target different audiences, use different ads, or test different budgets and timings.


Here's an image from Twitter to explain how campaigns and ad groups fit together:


Twitter adsTwitter ads

On this page, you choose how much you are willing to pay per interaction (interaction, video view, etc.). If you choose automatic bidding, Twitter will automatically set your bids to get the best results at the lowest price based on your budget. This is a good way for new Twitter advertisers to get started and learn how Twitter bidding works.

If you want to control bid amounts yourself, the interface will also show you suggested bids based on what others are paying.

Once you have made your selections, click  Next  .


Step 4: Choose your placements and ads


Twitter will show you a list of your existing tweets that you can choose to promote. If you like, you can choose to create a new tweet specifically for your ad.

On the right side of the screen, you can choose your ad placement.


Photo Instructions for advertising on Twitter 3

Once you have made your selection, click  Next  .


Step 5: Target your audience


Twitter offers several targeting options to help you choose the right audience for your ads and maximize your budget.

You'll start with demographic targeting, defining your audience by gender, age, location, language, and technology.

Geotargeting allows you to get as specific as a particular metro area or even zip code or as broad as an entire country. The technology component allows you to target by device, carrier, or OS version.

The section called Audience features allows you to target based on specific user characteristics like events, interests and behaviors, and even specific keywords and TV shows that users tweet about about. To help guide you, the interface provides estimated audience sizes that will change as you add more Twitter ad targeting options to your campaign.


Twitter ads


You can also choose to upload your own list of people (such as your email list) or choose to target people similar to your follower base.

When you are satisfied with your selection, click  Next .


Step 6: Launch your campaign


Finally, review all the options you selected and click  Launch campaign to launch your ad.

Another method: Quick Promote

If you already know which tweets you want to promote and you don't want to get into the detailed targeting options, you can try Twitter Quick Ads. This easy alternative allows you to set up a Twitter ad in just two clicks.